7 + 5 - 6 + 2 is always 4
All numbers in the 5 times tables end in five.
An even number divided by an even number = an even number
Division always makes a smaller number.
Rectangles with the biggest areas have the biggest perimeters.
This will be fun!!!
1. 7+5-6+2 will NEVER be TRUE.
2. All numbers in the 5 times tables SOMETIMES end in 5.
3. An even number divided by an even number SOMETIMES =an even number.
4. Division ALWAYS makes a smaller number.
5. rectangles with the bigger areas ALWAYS have bigger perimeters.
My comment has nothing to do with maths but I want to take the opportunity to thank Year 6.
I was given the priviledge of being asked to be Manager of the Mixed 2 team at touch football on Friday. What a great day we had and what a great group of students. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm and sportmanship of all the students. Everyone played so well and while we didn't win any matches there were many exciting moments. We were all thrilled when Kurtis who even though wounded in the previous match made a spectacular run to score a try, everyone in the park would have heard our team cheering. Many of the players came close to getting a try with every player trying there best and encouraging each other. I was very proud to be Manager of the team and thank you for a fun day. Thank you also to the teachers who work hard to make days like this possible for the students. Also I agree Mrs Whiteman and Mr Kennedy "ROCK", remember how lucky you are Year 6 to have such great teachers, appreciate them.
MRS BOOKER (Alan's Mum)
The word recycling refers to the reuse of products that have already been through the process of being made. For example paper can be recycled over and over to be made in to a very different product every time.
The fewer products that go to waste will mean our landfill sites will slow down. This means the land will be reserved for other useful things to be built on for instance medical buildings and shopping centers. So if we recycle we can have a cleaner environment. Then our wildlife and nature will be safe from landfill sites and dirty waste materials.
Recycling will reduce the use of the Earths natural resources such as paper. Too much use of paper will relate to the decrease of trees. This means the less trees there are in the world will lead to the increase of carbon dioxide which means there will be less oxygen in the world. This means organic life form will die.
When we recycle we can save money through it for instance plastic bags. If we recycle plastic bags the place we got the object from will not have to go through the process of buying the product again. This means we will save money and can buy more useful things with it.
But with recycling there are some negatives that go along with it. Like the cost of recycling is an increasingly high amount. When we recycle the machines that recycle the products let out harmful gases and fumes which is damaging our ozone layer.
So as we come to an end you can see that if we do not act quickly our future will be a bad place to be and we will have a very dangerous environment.
To Mrs Whiteman This is my Exposition!!!
About 6 billion people are in the world today. A lot of them don’t recycle but quiet a few start to each day that goes past us. Start recycling today to save our planet, homes, family and friends or we will be gone!
NOT recycling affects our whole world, Along with Global warming and natural resources. If we don’t recycle all around the world we will take up all of our natural land of Australia. The more machinery we use up to make clothes, plastics and different materials the more polluted our cities will get and then we will start to lose land. That also causes more money to buy more clothes and paper when we could just recycle and reuse them. Another reason to start recycling is that it causes dead animals, trees and plants. If we don’t recycle our world, homes or healths will be gone!
Water may be a liquid but you can still recycle it. Saving water saves you heaps of money. It also will save from having to buy bottles and bottles of water time after time. To save or recycle water you could use a water diverter and spread your laundry water into the garden at home. The other way is to just simply use less water in your life. Start saving water to save our country and lives.
So many countries around the world throw out paper or other products like that just after 1 use. According to books on recycling more people around our world are using more materials and products more then the past. Now that people are using more products around the world now the more polluted our cities are going to become. Start recycling now because then our homes will be safe from rubbish as well as our health.
If people don’t recycle it could affect the forests around us. Also the animals would start dying. If we do recycle we get animals and entertainment back such as park lands and zoos. If we don’t recycle animal habitats will be polluted and damaged. All of that pollution will affected the animals in the zoos. Save our world today to save our nature and wildlife.
Start recycling all the way! Recycle our rubbish, clothes, paper, bottles and things we are done with! Start recycling now then we will have a better future and better lives!
From Kaisha H!!! :-)
1. no
2. no
3. no
4. yes
5. yes
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