List 3 things that you learnt about measurement during this activity.
List 3 things that still confuse you about measurement.
Explain how your group worked out the distance around the basketball court.
Explain how your group worked out the length of the diagonals on the basketball court.
What did you learn from someone else in your group?
Was this a worthwhile learning experience for your gorup? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
What would you do the same or differently the next time you had to work out a similiar measurement problem?
You are so lucky Year 6 to have such a clever Teacher. Every time I look at your blog there is something new and interesting to look at! Mrs W works hard always trying to make your learning fun and interesting. We're lucky to have her at our school!
I learnt a lot from A.B because he did things that I did not no how to do and then he showed me how to do it like he did and tolded me other things.
I learnt sometimes we need the teacher tell us more things and have class mates help dose a lot too thanks to N.C ,K.H and A.B.
BY M.B!*!*!
I learnt a lot from my group M.B, K.H and N.C and also from the teacher.
And I also learnt perimeter and area.
I had fun doing it and learnt a lot so I hope to do more outside work.
Thank you group for helping me.
By A.B!!!
List 3 things that you learnt about measurement during this activity.
1. That this can be used in all different ways.
2. How big a metre can be.
3. How to use a trundle wheel
List 3 things that still confuse you about measurement.
1. The volume and capacity.
2. When we did division we couldn’t figure it out. We need to revise on this.
Explain how your group worked out the distance around the basketball court.
We timed the length by two and the width by two which also gave us our total (90m)
Explain how your group worked out the length of the diagonals on the basketball court.
We made HT walk half of the length then timed it by two which gave us the diagonal length.
Was this a worthwhile learning experience for your group? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
When we started our group couldn’t figure out what to do with the length and width.
What would you do the same or differently the next time you had to work out a similar measurement problem?
Probably revise on the things we had forgotten during the start of the year.
1.We learnt that you can use a different measuring device to measure a different distance.
2.How far a metre really is.
3. The activity helped us in multiputcatition, division, adding and subtracting.
1. E.M is still confused about how many mm are in a km.
2. E.M is still confused about how many cm is a km.
3. E.M is still confused about how many mm are in a m.
1.We used a trundle wheel.
1.We learnt that rushing will not get you anywhere.
1. Yes it was because it was a fun and exciting new experience for us. It taught us to cooperate and work as a team.
E.G and E.M!!
List 3 things that you learnt about measurement during this activity.
1. You don’t always have to measure with the same thing.
2. you have to use different length of measurement for different types of measurements e.g. you would use meters to measure the class room
3. I also learnt that if we didn’t have measurement we would really only have our legs to be able to measure.
List 3 things that still confuse you about measurement.
1.it still confuses me to use area, volume and capacity
2. It confuses me with perimeter a bit because I forget how to measure it.
3. finding the area and capacity of awkward shapes
Explain how your group worked out the distance around the basketball court.
First we got a trundle wheel and measured the length and width then added it together.
Explain how your group worked out the length of the diagonals on the basketball court.
first we drew a rectangle on the ground then we looked at the diagonal and the straight and saw that the length was the same as the diagonal.
What did you learn from someone else in your group?
I learnt you don’t have to measure everything with the meter rulers or the trundle wheels you can work it out in your head.
Was this a worthwhile learning experience for your group? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
This was a great learning experience because we were able to go hands on and to figure it out with more then a pencil and book.
What would you do the same or differently the next time you had to work out a similiar measurement problem?
If we were outside I would get some chalk and try and work it out on the ground.
1. One thing that I learnt was that 1 metre is longer than I thought
2. Second thing is that if you are measuring a square you don’t have to measure the whole area you can’t just measure the length and the width.
3. I learnt that you didn’t need to measure the basketball court diagonally because it was the same length as the length of the basketball court.
I’m still confused on the difference between the volume and the capacity.
I’m confused about how cubes can fit in one square.
Our group found the distance of the basketball court by measuring the length and the width and then times the answer by 2.
Our group worked out how to measure the diagonals by measuring one diagonal then plusing both of them together.
I learnt off one of my members that there were lots of different ways to measure a square or a shape.
This was a worthwhile experience because we could all participate in some way in every session.
I would do what I did the last session and I would use tools that I haven’t used before.
Three things G.S and R.F learnt about measurement are
1. That the are several different ways to measure.
2. That you only had to measure the length and the width of the basketball court to know how long the court was.
3. The activity helped our group with division and multiplication.
Three things G.S and R.F are still confused about measurement are
1. We are both still very confused about measuring diagonally.
2. We are both confused with volume of a cube and how to measure it.
3. We are still a little bit confused with litres.
Our group worked out the distance of the basketball court with a trundle wheel.
Our group decided to not measure diagonally because we all felt we didn’t need to and we also didn’t think of it.
R.F learnt off G.S that you didn’t need to measure the whole basketball court to know how long it was just to measure the length and the width. G.S learnt rushing isn’t going to get you anywhere.
YES this activity was very much worthwhile every bit of it. We both think that working outside is much more fun than inside watching Mrs W tell us what is on the work sheets.
R.F and G.S
1. We learnt that we don’t have to measure the whole basketball court to get the perimeter. This is done by measuring the width and the length of something then you times it by two.
2. We learnt that revising over something that we have already learnt will help us to remember for example that there is 1000 metres in a kilometre.
3. We also learnt that drawing up what you are going to do will help instead of just writing it down.
1. One thing that confused us was when we had to add up and multiply our answer this confused me because it had centimetres in it.
2. We still do not know how many metres are in a hectare but I know how many metres are in one kilometre.
3. We are not 100% sure how to measure a circle with a metre ruler and string I always seem to get the answer wrong when I am using string and a metre ruler.
Our group worked out the distance around the basketball court by measuring the length and width of the basketball court and then we had to times the answer we got by two.
Well Mrs W my group did not need to work out the diagonals because we did not have an event that was made up by diagonals.
Well we learnt from R.Fe some really funny moves for our fun run it was really good and funny.
Yes of course this was a worth while experience due to the fact that we learnt some very important measurement facts and strategies.
Nothing I think we worked good as a group and we had very good ideas so I would change nothing because it was all good.
1) In this activity we learnt that the diagonal measurement of a rectangle is the same as the length of a rectangle.
2) We also were reminded of how to find the perimeter of a shape and the area
.DC still a bit confused of how to work out the area of a shape.
.We found the answer to this problem by measuring the length and the width and times our answer by 2.
. To find this out we just measured the length of the court because we new that it was the same as the diagonal length.
We learnt of each other by listening to what we had to say.
We as a group thought that this was a good learning experience because we as a group could help and teach each other about measurement. .
We think that we should use the opportunity to teach each other better rather than play with the trundle wheel.
You have written some fantastic comments year 6. They will most definetly help us with our learning. I now know that we need to revisit division , multiplying decimals, diagonals and volume and capacity. I hope that we all continue to use our blog to share our ideas with each other and improve our learning.
You should all be very proud of yourselves - I am certainly very proud of you all.
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