I can not begin to tell you how very proud I am of all of you who worked hard on your speeches. I know that many of you find public speaking a daunting and difficult task however you approached the challenge with interest, maturity and commitment.
I learnt a little more about you all through listening to your speeches. I now know that Christmas Day at my house is relatively calm – I am still wondering where all the firies got to. I also have a new appreciation for the incredible powers that fruit and vegetables have.
It is encouraging to know that so many of you have strong and admirable beliefs about human rights, conservation, leadership and the overall well being of people in society. Jesus would be pleased to know that there are so many young people at our school who want to look after our world and the people living in it.
Explain how you prepared for your VOY of speech.
Compare the way in which you planned for and delivered your Stories Alive presentation to your VOY presentation.
What will you do differently the next time you need to prepare for a speech?
What advice would you give to Year 5 for next year?
For the VOY I had to choose a topic and research and make the info that I got from the Internet and the research in my school library and make it into a speech that we had to present to all of year6.
There wasn’t that much of a difference in the way I prepared my storeys alive and my voice of youth. I still had to decide what I would do for my speech, read it and present it to students. Stories Alive I had to choose a story with a message like a parable and for VOY I just chose a topic that I was interested with.
Next time I do a speech I will read it more and do more research and present it to others before I say it to everyone. So that I am not as nervous on the day. The reason I will do is so that I am better at it and do not muck up my speech.
The advice I give to year 5 is to pick a topic that they like and read, read, and read it again.
I prepared my voice of youth speech by firstly finding something that I was passionate and interested about and also finding something motivating for the audience.
My stories alive story was completely off compared to my VOY speech because in year 5, I didn’t have a clue what to do for public speaking and I was very shy. I started my VOY speech with all the background knowledge I knew about my topic and looked on the computer to find more information for my speech.
If I could change 1 thing about my VOY speech, it would have to be how much time I practice because the more I practice my speech; the more I learn it off by heart, the more points I would get for looking at the audience.
The advice I would give year 5 for next year would be to know your speech and say it in front of a lot of people to get used to saying your speech and to also have a go and to try your best. You might not think that your speech is the best but you don’t know that until you have a go at VOY and don’t be afraid to speak your mind out and say what you believe in! GOOD LUCK FUTURE YEAR 6 STUDENTS!
The way I prepared for V.O.Y was to go straight into it and didn’t stop until I got the whole speech memorised, because I didn’t want to stand up in front of the year6 class and fumble on every word.
I thought that last year when I was doing stories alive it was different to the V.O.Y speech because in the stories alive you had to memorise a story and use more gestures and I didn’t use palm cards and the plan of the V.O.Y speech was completely different because we had to pick a book and draw a story map to try to memorise the important bits of the story.
Something that I would do differently the next time I prepare for a speech is to make my speech a bit longer so my audience will be more involved.
The advice I would give to the year 5 students is to practice, practice, and practice so you get good at your speech.
My topic was diabetes and the first thing I did when we started our voice of youth speeches was I researched my topic to find out as much as I could about my topic. Although I am a diabetic I do not know every thing about diabetes so I had to research my topic. When I did stories alive I was really scared because we were weren’t allowed to use palm cards and I thought I might forget where I was up to. Where as when I did voice of youth I had done stories alive and I had also done my leader ship speech so I had had a lot of practice at public speaking so I was more confident in what I was saying. Next time I have to prepare a speech I will probably just do a bit more practice because when I was doing my speech I kept forgetting bits and pieces of my speech. If I could give year 5 some advice it would probably be to choose a topic that relates to their life and maybe to practice their speech.
I prepared for VOY by saying my speech in front of my family and friends and I found some good information on the computer.
I think that VOY was sort of the same as Stories Alive but VOY was about information we found but S A was about stories. The stories had to have a meaning or a message.
I will make it much better and interesting for everyone and make my speech longer. I might use more hand gestures next time.
Always think positive about your speech be confident in front of the class and practise.
The first thing I did with my speech was find a topic that I thought was interesting and that I believed in. I thought of animal cruelty because I really hate animals being hurt or hearing about animals getting hurt. I then started my speech off with some of my background knowledge and got some information of the internet to help me and then all I did was practice, practice and PRACTISE.
Stories alive was really different to voice of youth because at stories alive we weren’t really trying to persuade people to do something we were telling them a story that had a moral to it. For my stories alive speech we were all practicing our speeches but we were saying it to the wall so we didn’t get nervous and it was a really good strategy.
I would probably practice a lot more next time I do a speech because I didn’t really practice that much and I would try and put a lot of information as I can into it because there was a lot of information on the internet I just didn’t really understand it so I couldn’t use some of it.
My advice for year 5 would be to not get scared about competing because you might not think your speech is good enough and then you don’t try out and your teacher says why didn’t you try out because that was fantastic. That happened to a lot of people in my class and then they felt really annoyed. I would also not get my parents to help me with writing the whole thing because the judges know if it’s written by an adult or copied straight off the internet and remember practicing is the most important thing.
I prepared for my VOY speech by brainstorming my fears of high school because my topic was my fears of High School. I also prepared by practicing my speech in front of my bedroom wall which helped me a lot because I didn’t worry as much and I wasn’t as afraid of delivering my speech in front of the class. Another thing I did was saying my speech without any palm cards because once doing that it gave me more confidence in saying my speech because then I knew my speech much better.
I had to plan my Stories Alive speech much differently then I had to do with my VOY speech because I had to pick a book that was given to me by the teachers which had to be a moral a fable or a parable. With the VOY speeches I could pick anything. With Stories Alive we didn’t use palm cards which didn’t really give me as much confidence then when I presented my VOY speech.
Next time I have to present a speech I will remember to make a much longer speech because my VOY speech only just went in the time limit and I don’t think I gave enough information to my listeners. Also next time I need to deliver a speech I will get straight into it instead of leaving it a couple of days long because I needed to stay up late and write my speech.
The only advice I could give the year fives would be practice, practice, PRACTICE!
I prepared for my Voice of Youth speech by
1.Choosing a topic that I was going to present my speech on
2.Researching my topic
3.Gathering some information about the topic that I research
4.Gathering the information and putting it in to my speech
5.Reading my speech and making changes to it
6.Reading my speech in front of an audience over and over so that I get confident with my speech
7.Then I was ready to present it in front of 6 blue.
Preparing to present a story rather than a speech for Voice Of Youth was very different.
When I was preparing to present a story for stories Alive we had to present a story
rather than a speech.
The stories that we presented had to present had to be a fable and have a moral to it.
First of all Mrs.W and Mrs.C read to us some fables and told us how they have to have a moral to the story.
Then I had to choose a story that I was going to present.
After we had chosen a story a lady came to our school named Christine who helped us present our story, Christine explained to us that we should use hand gestures, eye contact and many more.
I found the tips from Christine very helpful with my Voice Of Youth Speech for example I remembered that it is good to use hand gestures and eye contact.
Next time when I present a speech I think that I will try and make my speech longer because I think that it could had a bit more detail in it.
My advice for year 5 for next year is to use eye contact and don’t just keep on constantly looking at your palm cards, use gestures but not to many, get use to your speech and say it in front of an audience before the day you have to say it.
I prepared for my Voice Of Youth speech by-
-choosing my topic to present to my piers,
-researching my topic,
-putting my notes into paragraphs to form my speech,
-putting my sentences and notes into the whole of my speech,
-practicing my speech over and over to get it just right,
-trying to have more confidence so no the day I’m not so nervous,
Well for my stories alive speech I had to select a story to present to the audience. The story had to have a positive message to give to the audience. The story had to be a parable, fable or a narrative. For the VOY speech we could select any topic to inform, entertain or persuade. We also had to make our speech 2-4 minutes long. In my opinion I think that VOY was much harder because it went for much longer, SA was on a story so it was more interesting to me.
Next time I would make my speech a little bit longer and try to be more confident when I’m presenting because I feel that my speech was short and I was defiantly NOT confident
My advice to yr 5 is to pretend that no one is listing or looking at you. Also practice your speech over and over again even if you know it because practice makes perfect!
I prepared my speech by figuring out what type of topic I was going to talk about. Then I brainstormed all about it and decided what the paragraphs were going to be about. After that I researched about the topic on Google. After I found all of my topics I placed them all in a paragraph and changed some words around to make it sound better. So that my classmates could understand what I was talking about. I added definitions to some words that I couldn’t understand. After all that I read and re read so that I understood my speech.
The difference between voice of youth and stories alive is that with stories alive we had to choose a junior fiction book that had a positive message to it. For stories alive we had to memorise it. But with voice of youth we had palm cards to help us. During stories alive we got to give entertainment to all the kids. Whilst the voice of youth was to mostly inform us. During the preparation of stories alive we had to draw a mind map so that we could remember most of it.
The part I would do differently is I would time it earlier so that if I need to add more into it and memorise it like I have with the rest of my speech. This is because I only had 2minutes on my speech so I had to add a whole never paragraph and I didn’t know the whole paragraph as I should have.
To memorise your speech and know what the topic is really about. Only use hand gestures when at the end when you know your speech.
The topic I chose was soccer. I chose soccer because it was a sport I play and I knew a lot about my topic. But I still read some books to help me with the stuff I did not know.
When we did stories alive it was scarier because we did not have palm cards to guide us when we got stuck and we had to memorise the whole story and the message think it was very hard to memorise the hole story. When we had our speeches we had palm cards to guide us when we got stuck.
The things I will do differently are that I will research on more things about soccer and make it longer.
The advice I give year5 is that chose a topic that is close to your hart and make shore you research all the information that you need and even more. from c.t
I prepared my Voice of youth speech by first picking out my topic. This task was very hard but finally I found a great topic to talk about. My topic was Australia! This topic was pretty easy but I found it very interesting. The second task I decided to do with my speech was to do some paragraphs and to research on Google about Australia. When I finished writing it I practise and practise my speech. Overall I believe I delivered my speech ok.
The stories alive was different to voice of youth because the stories alive program was picking a book from the library and memorise the book but on the other hand voice of youth was picking a topic and then writing a speech on palm cards. I enjoyed both stories alive and voice of youth.
I would properly change my speech next time by researching more information about my topic but otherwise I enjoyed presenting my speech to year 6.
My advice to year 5 for next year would be to never give up and then practise PRACTISE and PRACTISE!
I went home and practice in front of mum, dad and my family. One day at school R.F and I practice in front of each other and gave each other ideas on what we improve on.
I thought my speech was going to be more serious and I think Stories alive is different to Voice Of Youth because you have to read a story that has a massage. Some of positive stories are parables, fables, narratives and Aboriginal Dreamtime. Also it is different because we use more hand gestures and your voice.
Next time I will be in high school when I do a speech, so there will be more information and I will concentrate more.
When the year 5’s does a speech I would advise them to use lots of eye and hand gesture and expression
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