Tuesday, 16 October 2007




Anonymous said...


The blog has helped me in my writing because now I am writing more detailed sentences and more structured paragraphs. The blog has aloud me to express myself so that the other students know how intelligent I really am. It also has helped me with my internet skills and typing.

Voicethread has helped me with my speaking and made me a better public speaker.
It also has helped me and also others because the teacher has tort me and then I had the chance to teach other little kids how to use Voicethread.

The Podcast I thought was great activity and was a great learning experience for me and the other people in my group. The Podcast has helped me because it has made me more confident in speaking in front of others.

The Wikispace has helped me with my skills on using different sites on the internet and has aloud me to post my work on the internet so everyone can see.

Anonymous said...

Web 2 Tools

Blogs- The way blogs help me with my writing are they get me more interested into the subject that we are talking about because we get to use the computer which interests me more because I am not always writing in my book and when I get more interest in the topic I think more which makes me learn more. I rather type then write because I don’t have to keep erasing my work which makes me more wanting to use a blog. Blogs get my interest by the graphics and decoration of the page.

Voice Thread- The voice thread has help me because I get to comment on to a computer with voice record meant and you can actually hear the expression of my voice. This year the voice thread really help me with my speech because I could hear myself speak and I knew how I would sound like saying my speech. Voice thread is a knew technology that I can now use because I have be informed about by my peers and my teacher.

Podcast- The Pod cast is a really good piece of technology because it’s like we are saying a radio script which can teach other s because instead of having one conversation with a person we can inform everyone by saying our Podcast. We would have a big audience because children my age enjoy using computer and that will give us a big audience with our Podcast and will have more people listening to them.

Wikispace- Wikispaces have helped me and other peers because I have been able to post my Narrative on to my Wikispace so everyone can see. It is very help full because if other people can’t see my narrative on paper they can go onto the computer and see it and others.

Visual / Pictures- Having visual pictures on anything written had more interest on the viewer because sometimes I could understand better with writing and a picture. When pictures are put on paper with writing they had more interest on me which made me listen more and so I could take in the information and remember it.

Anonymous said...

Web 2 has helped me because I have learned to go on a blog and comment on it. Also go on a podcast and learned how to work on one and record my voice. I have also learned how to answer and ask questions on voice thread. I have also learned about a wiki space and put a story on it.

Web 2 has improved my work because I can type sentences as I say them instead of writing them and saying the words very slowly. Also because when we write in books only Mrs W can see it and sometimes my parents. But now that it is on the internet every single person in the world can access this so I put heaps more effort into all my work.

I am more interested because I like going on the computers and now I can access the blogs 24/7. This is like having my classroom open all the time so I can always come to school and do cool stuff.

Anonymous said...

The web2 tools has helped me learn more things about the computer like how to blog, how podcast, how to put pictures on the blogs and work documents. I also learnt how to use the voice thread. I leant how to put a story on a wikispace and put a picture on the wiki too.

I have improved in my work because when I go onto the computer I know that my family and friends + a few million people will be looking at MY work so I put more and more effort into my work to make it look good and also sound good when people read it. I know when I write in a book it sound very different to what I say in my mind all the time.


I am interested more about computer now because I know really cool things about it and now I know how it works because now I have my very own blog to take care of. So now I am allowed on it all the time and it is like our classroom is on the internet now and we can access to it 24/7.

Anonymous said...

web 2 tools

Why is your writing improved by using our blogs and pod casts?

My writing has improved a lot from using the blogs and pod casts because Mrs Whiteman asked us the questions on the blogs in the way we should be answering. Mrs Whiteman tries to show us the way to write properly by writing in that way in can help us like using assessments, blogs and the voice thread.

Why are you more interested?

I am more interested because the technology we are using like the pod casts, voice threads, blogs and wiki spaces. I find these things very fun and interesting because they are fun to use like when you are on a voice thread your not stuck at a key board you can speak the things you are commenting on and on the blogs you can put on a lot of fun gadgets and very easy to use. My favourite form of learning on the computers is the pod casts because they let you work with a partner on a subject for a radio show and I think it helps us work together as well as making a script for the pod cast.

Why is your questioning technique better than before we started the computer program?

I feel that my questioning technique has improved a lot since we started the program because the teachers on the blogs are asking us questions and it has shown us what is to be expected in a questioning way. Another way I have learnt how to ask questions is from my other classmates. They have been the most influence on me because they could know how to ask a question properly before I could and they have helped me a lot.

Anonymous said...

How has web 2 tools helped my learning
Web 2 tools has helped me learn because instead of writing everything in my book I can gust type it on the computer on the blog, voicethread or even in a word document.

How has my work improved?
My work has improved because I know the whole world will be seeing my work even my family and friends
Also my teacher told me to remember why, why, why.

Why am I more interested?
I am interested in my work because everyone gets to see my work and how much I have improved.

Anonymous said...

I think that web 2 tools are a great way to learn online. We can communicate with our teacher 24/7. It is great that we have our own blogs because we can arrange it in our own unique style and post comments that we think are important. Our class blog is great to use as a class. It is a fantastic to answer questions that we wouldn’t normally answer or discuss during class time. It’s nice to see kids that don’t normally speak up at school, communicating and showing there opinion. Some other web 2 tools are wiki spaces, voice threads, podcasts, utube, visual/pictures and rock u. all these things have 24hr access anywhere at anytime most of these web2 tools can be seen by the whole world which also gives us a much larger audience. We can teach others with these things and learn from each other. Our podcasts are good for those kids who hate typing and think it’s easier to just use there voice. In my opinion web 2 tools are a great way to learn.

Anonymous said...

Web 2 tools are great. They are helping everyone in my class how to question and answer better.
Blogs-Our single blogs are great for us because when we post comments it gives us a better chance to write what we want. It also helps us when some kids don’t want to share their answers, they can write it in our blogs and as comments.
Voice thread-Voice thread is also a great thing for year 6 because we can express our feeling and when we listen to the recording we can hear how they feel.
Podcast-Our pod casting is an awesome thing we are doing. Our podcast is great because we can share the news around our school to every class and all the teachers. We can also express our feelings and the tones in our voice.
Wikispace-Wikispace is a great learning tool. It is a great way how to share stories. It also helps little kids learning because they can edit our stories or add endings to them.
Rockyou-Rockyou is a good website to fill up blogs. It is a creative website and it has helped me to be more creative and it makes blogs interesting and decorative.

All of these web 2 tools are a great learning process. It has helped everyone in my class to answers question better, type better, more interested in the computer and to write question better.
We 2 tools are GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Wikispace has helped me by making me care about my written work more. I know that other people will look at my work and I want my work to look as good as other people’s work. I check my work more. I use the spelling and gramma thing on the computer to check my work for spelling errors punctuation like capital letters full stops and that it makes sense. My work looks neater because when I open up my normal book it just looks like scribble when it’s on the blog or wiki its looks neater and you can actually read it. When I write in my book if I make mistakes I have to go and find out how words are spelled and then I have to rub it out or put a line through it on the blog it tells me what’s wrong and then I can fix it and I don’t have heaps of rubbing out and crossing out.

I like my blog because its something I’m interested in and I can actually write what I want. I don’t have to write with a pen on the blog and I can use pictures to tell people what the story is about. The blog has helped me with spelling by showing me what the mistake is so I can fix the problem and learn form my mistake.

Anonymous said...

Web 2 tools have helped our learning due to the fact that we have a variety of learning sources to go to. It has also helped our learning because others can check how you are going in our learning. This also enables other people to help us in our areas of learning that we are stuck on. It has also increased our technology confidence and it has made us understand technology a lot better.

The class blog has helped us in a variety of ways like it has increased the quickness of our typing. It has also made us want to explore more class blog’s and to help them in some areas of work. But the thing that has made us all want to visit blog’s is when we all got our very own blog. This enabled us to have heaps of freedom on the blog it also made us want to explore the internet a lot more so we could find tons of cool things for our blog’s. It has also helped us because we now have a lot more confidence in our learning and technology.

Voice thread has helped us in a range of ways like it has made us express ourselves more in what we write and it has also made us want to write a lot more. It has also made us want to record our voices to prepare for speeches or videos and things according to that. It has also made us more confident with our voice and it has made us more comfortable with other students listening to our voices.

Podcast’s have helped our learning due to the fact that we get to explore all of the features that are in the Podcast and we then get to listen to our voices with all of the special features. It also makes us want to explore more and we can learn more things which are the cool thing about it.

Anonymous said...

How has web 2 tools helped me?
Web 2 tools have helped me with so much of my work because when I know more than just Mrs. W is going to see it makes me put more effort into it. I have been helped when I have had to look up things for my work so it makes my work better.

How has it improved my work?
It has improved my work with everything because I draw more pictures to make it look interesting because I know more people are looking at it. I always put lots of colour into my work and web 2 tools have helped me to always write more in my work.

Why am I more interested?
I am more interested in my work and web 2 tools because more people are looking at it and they are going to see what my work is like. I am more interested because with web 2 tools there is more things to do to my work to make it look good for the audience that is going to see it

Anonymous said...

My work has improved so since I have started using the blogs. They have helped me in my questioning, answering, teaching and learning. I also believe that the colour and decoration of these blogs has helped me in my learning. The blogs are also great because I can see everyone’s work and use their work as a model. I enjoy using voice thread but not as much as the blogs. Voice thread helps me because I can record my voice and then play it back so I can see where I can change my voice, use different words or take out some words. I can also listen to my classmates voices are tell then where they can improve or how great they have done. Podcasts are also like voice thread but we are able to add sound effects erase silence and play our voices back to each other. All of the Web 2 Tools are great. We can access them anywhere anytime. We have a larger audience because our work is on the web and we want it to be better so we take pride in our work.

Anonymous said...

How have web 2 tools helped my learning?

The web 2 tools have helped us a lot. They have helped us in our writing by writing longer stories because typing is much easier than writing in a book and it is a lot more fun. Web 2 tools have also helped us by knowing more about the computer and we have improved our computer skill by heaps since we have had our own blogs.

The blog has helped us in many different ways. One of the ways is that is has helped us is write in longer and more detailed comments because we have been writing in jellyfish sentences. Another reason is that the blogs have helped us in our editing, spelling and punctuation and to also check and recheck our work.

The WIKI has helped us by teaching us to move a piece of work from 1 place to another. It has also proved to us that going on the computer is more fun for us because writing is a bit boring.

I think that the voicethread has helped in many ways. I enjoy using the voice thread because it is different to the Blogs because not only can we type a comment but we can record our comments. Recording a comment is not just fun but it can also help you see how your voice sounds when you are talking.

You-Tube has helped us in many ways. One way that it has helped us is when we where writing our voice of youth speeches, Mrs W showed us a video on you-tube with a man that gave us advice for writing a great speech. Another reason is that you-tube lets us look-up lots of interesting video clips.

Rock-you has shown us how to make our own slide shows and has amused us by making funny slide shows. Rock-you has also helped us by giving us information by talking characters.

Anonymous said...

How have web 2 tools helped my learning?

The web 2 tools have helped us a lot. They have helped us in our writing by writing longer stories because typing is much easier than writing in a book and it is a lot more fun. Web 2 tools have also helped us by knowing more about the computer and we have improved our computer skill by heaps since we have had our own blogs.

The blog has helped us in many different ways. One of the ways is that is has helped us is write in longer and more detailed comments because we have been writing in jellyfish sentences. Another reason is that the blogs have helped us in our editing, spelling and punctuation and to also check and recheck our work.

The WIKI has helped us by teaching us to move a piece of work from 1 place to another. It has also proved to us that going on the computer is more fun for us because writing is a bit boring.

I think that the voicethread has helped in many ways. I enjoy using the voice thread because it is different to the Blogs because not only can we type a comment but we can record our comments. Recording a comment is not just fun but it can also help you see how your voice sounds when you are talking.

You-Tube has helped us in many ways. One way that it has helped us is when we where writing our voice of youth speeches, Mrs W showed us a video on you-tube with a man that gave us advice for writing a great speech. Another reason is that you-tube lets us look-up lots of interesting video clips.

Rock-you has shown us how to make our own slide shows and has amused us by making funny slide shows. Rock-you has also helped us by giving us information by talking characters.

Anonymous said...

Web 2 Tools
Since I started using all these web 2 tools my work has improved an incredibly large amount. Firstly having my own blog has made me look at everything that other people have written. Another web 2 tool is having voice thread. It has made me express everything that I don’t understand. And lastly, another tool is Podcasts. Podcasts are also like the voice thread but you have more opinions. You can delete sound and put sounds effects in as well. So that’s how web 2 tools have helped me improved.

Anonymous said...

Q1.How has my worked improved? My work has improved by my writing. I have been writing more and been more interested with my writing and I have lots of fun writing stories and especially one my blog that .

Q2.Why am I more interested? I am more interested in bloging because it helps us with our writing and I now make more interesting questions on my blog. I am also interested in voice thread because you can use your voice to communicate to other people in the world.


I like visiting the blog because it is very interesting and I like visiting the blog and I have a blog I enjoy putting all different cool stuff and I like when people visit my blog.


I like the pod cast because it lets us talk and be like the radio we can put sounds that people like. you can put music in your pod cast for people to enjoy.


U tube is a good way to communicate with other people you can video your self and show people thing they know. This help me if I need to know something I go to u tube.


Voice thread is like a recorder so you can record your voice. This helps me by communicate with other people using your voice.


Wiki space is like a blog where you can comment on things that people put on like story’s or question. This helped me by my writing.

Anonymous said...

Your thoughts here are quite remarkable. I have quoted some of you in the newsletter for the school I am currently working in as an attempt to open up the potential of these tools to the students here. I believe that your engagement in your learning has enabled you to be so proactive in your own education. You are real thinkers - not just "regurgitators" of teacher knowledge. You are producing the knowledge and skills yourselves. Well done!